Lingyi Kong
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Goodbye, Icarus Year: 2023
(Book Design), (Editorial), (Coding), (Motion), (Interactive Design)Published by Mars Pharaoh Studio

Goodbye, Icarus is a graphic novel printed and published in Providence, Rhode Island, at the end of 2023.
The work explores the interplay between possibilities and limitations through the experimental use of programming languages, artificial intelligence, and book structures, seeking to bridge the gap between the digital and the physical.

A story about Existence
*(Creative Coding), (Touch Designer)

The work delves into the contemporary relevance of mythological narratives, by intertwining the myths of Jingwei Filling the Sea(精卫填海) and Icarus' Wings—two stories with similar philosophy cores but drastically different outcomes.

This part uses creative coding and interactive technology to transform natural messages(like sea wave records, documentation of geological, and data visualization for emotion) into visuals that interact with the graphic novel’s storytelling.

Plastic, Metal, Silver MirrorThe book design pushes the boundaries of visual language through creative coding experiments and editorial design.
The book used multiple artificial materials to visualize Rhode Island’s residency experience, and the design structure and materials attempt to expand the potential for storytelling within the format of linear narrative, offering new avenues for artist book design.

Recognition:Printed Matter, Inc.(NY)  Goodbye, Icarus-Lingyi Kong
UNDERGROUND ART AND DESIGN:  In Conversation: Lingyi Kong, On the Myth and the Code
DIGITAL ART BLOG:  Artist Interview: Goodbye, Icarus-Lingyi Kong
OpenM Art Book Fair:  Chengdu/Beijing  Exhibition
4C Gallery:  The Circular Ruins 2024
Design 360:  Best Graduate Design 100

©️Lingyi Kong 2024