Lingyi Kong

Lingyi is a concept-driven, award-winning graphic designer, illustrator, and art director based in Providence. 

Lingyi's skill set spans from branding design to art practice, with a deep passion for employing multidisciplinary approaches in her work. 

Her work has been exhibited in galleries in Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, and New York. She was also awarded the Commons Grant 2024 from RISD.

Lingyi holds a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, 
she is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Instagram: HiLingyi
Resume: Here

{Integrated Design} Euclase Tablet

"Future Archaeology: Euclase Tablet" blends graphic design with historical and futuristic themes, setting up an unreal city in 2027. 

It examines class disparities and marginalized communities' vulnerabilities during crises, questioning historical continuity and societal divides. 

This project won the Outstanding Graduation Design Award in 2022 and was showcased at the University College London and the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
